Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the night before the first kiss

exactly one year ago, i was in my room in seoul doing some last-minute fiddling with my luggage. it's almost midnight there right now. i had stripped my room bare, almost exactly as it had looked when i moved in six months before, just filthier.

and this time last year, i was on the way home from tenzin and kalinga's new apartment somewhere in jongno. i almost missed the last bus back to anam because i gave a last impulsive hug to tenzin. good thing my friend ferdie was there; he called out to me seconds before the door swooshed closed and i had to run up the steps just before the bus lurched and started its slow way across the city, until the only thing i could see of tenz were the neon lights of jongno's bars and nurebangs bouncing off his glasses.

so tomorrow, the polymath and i will be celebrating that first awkward kiss at the airport, done lots of teeth banging and noses getting in the way, and an eye on the lookout for my dad who was late picking me up. "celebrating" for us basically involves cooking and eating. haha. ha. not sure yet what dinner will be though. maybe some vegetable risotto. i wonder if it's possible to make a guinness sorbet or granita. hmmm...will be fiddling with the ice cream maker again tomorrow.



Rocky Sunico said...


congrats to both of you! glad to hear things are still doing pretty well.

Anonymous said...

ma'am sandra!!! found your site while following some links from my cousin carl's blog. :) hope you can still recall me, I was your student almost 4 years ago. I've graduated, and I miss UP a whole lot. T'was nice reading your work again. Hope to see you one o' these days.

macrisuniverse.multiply.com :)