Tuesday, September 05, 2006

so this is autumn*

it feels suspiciously like spring. huge clouds are scudding across a sky that is becoming less and less blue as each day passes. it can still be a little toasty, but only if you stand on a patch of sunlight at noon. stay in the shade and you start getting the chills. the days are getting shorter too. when i first got here, daylight at 7.30pm used to freak me out. now i kinda miss seeing 8pm sunsets.

i've been holed up in my tiny room all day, writing stuff. at this point, there are six reports, a book review and two lectures to prepare for. on friday, a ton of editing will be thrown my way. so the three hours a day i spend sitting in korean language classes amounts to a lot of time i could be spending working. yargh.

how to keep from going bonkers? with some prodding from the polymath, i go up to the crimson house rooftop (hands down my favorite place in seoul) for a breather. after a stifling day in my room, it's a great place to spend a summer evening with friends, especially if there's cold watermelon.

these days, though, i'm usually up there alone, with joy division covers, the sundays, and a wool sweater for company. it gets dark really quickly. before you know it, the sun is gone and eleven million lights have blinked on all over the city. in the distance, a large yellow moon hangs low on the horizon, just above the bright lights of namsan tower.

yes, halter top weather is truly over.

* no, darlings, the leaves haven't turned yet. give it time.

1 comment:

NeatEngine said...

"Autumn in Seoul." It doesn't have the same ring as "Autumn in New York."