Monday, August 14, 2006

things i'm mulling

1) the effect of weight gain on the dimensions of my hip tattoo. given that the surplus of everything i eat gets divided equally among my cheeks, hips, thighs, and butt, this is a scary scary thought. too lazy to do yoga. wallclimbing here in seoul is too darned expensive. maybe i should just stop eating? my siberian reindeer tattoo is starting to look like a hippo with antlers.

2) getting a bikini wax. because i'm into pain and mutilation. just kidding. while i really am curious about how much pain is involved and the exact nature of waxing-related pain, the real reason, like this entire item, is really too much information. haha. ha.

3) why the past is a foreign country, as pointed out by british novelist l.p. hartley in 1953. it's pretty self-evident, of course. but i'm trying to see how this idea works vis-a-vis a triad of stories by korean writer hwang soon-won. reading him was a little like reading pinoy canon fodder like nvm gonzales and manuel arguilla. but mostly i was bewildered. there seems to be a lot of culturally specific information encoded into the text that did not survive translation. a lot of the behaviors and motives and reactions of the characters i didn't understand at all. maybe because these are "outmoded" (can't think of better word now) ways of thinking, very different from the behavior of koreans i see and meet here in seoul. maybe it's because i really am in a foreign country. i am mystified by the text for at least 2 reasons: chronological distance and cultural distance. this whole frame i'm building is pretty flimsy right now. but if i use pretty words, maybe the end result wouldn't be as embarrasing.

i really want to finish this book review i'm writing but my a/c is now so cold at 3am, i'm dying to get under the covers. will continue writing tomorrow. was supposed to study for the weekly quiz tomorrow (at least i think there's one) but screw it. will just scan my notes before i enter the classroom. haha. i am such a bad student. if i were my student, i'd flunk me big time.


janet said...

ah, yes, the teacher makes for a bad student. ;p

malatemail said...

funny you should mention tattoo and weight gain in the same breath. i was also considering adding another tattoo somewhere, but couldn't figure out which area would not be affected by eating binges and pregnancy. the best bet would be my gums.

kantogirl said...

Re: #2. The other day, i was standing in a Watsons store and eyeing a DIY waxing it. Then I thought bikini waxing must be something better left to professionals, but then again, would you really want strangers to witness all that pain, among other things? Hmmm...