Wednesday, August 23, 2006

the nasties

there are four (4) very unforgettable insults which come to me unbidden at the most inappropriate circumstances (e.g., benediction in church, sitting beside the kimchi-scented elderly on the subway, tarahaseyo*-ing in kang young-ah sonsengnim's korean conversation class).

these are vicious and i try to keep them at bay, not always successfully. two of these i witnessed firsthand. one was stolen from one of my favorite blogs**, the other i'd heard about via the ever-reliably-nasty mimosa grapevine***. in no particular order, here are the nasties:

"you've got more fat than bacon, baby!"

- said by R1 to R2 in palawan last year, after R2 weighed in at 150+ lb.

- said by K in reference to Y, a young poet who keeps winning awards.

"it's grotesque."
- said very drily by XX in reference to the outlandish behavior and appearance of XY, who tries too hard to be noticed/liked**** by everyone.

"you have the IQ of a tape dispenser!"
- said by M's ex to a dendrite-deficient underling.

* repeating after the teacher, helpful for memorizing verb conjugations and acquiring that not-very-useful-to-me seoul accent.
** malatemail, your archives make perfect 3:00 am reading.
*** believe me, there is such a thing. mostly bading; not at all botanical.
**** in XY's universe, there seems to be little distinction between the two. it's just sad. first there was the dye-job. then there was the fashionably late entrance wearing a wide zebra-print cloth headband under a brown pleather fedora. very afraid of what might come next.

1 comment:

Ani Degirmencioglu said...

hi sairo, yes, i do, every now and then, stop by at your blog - it's nice to have a gaze into other people's life at completely other parts of the world and by doing that recognizing some similarities and at the same time gratifying the voyeur who is inside all of us a little bit, isn't it - what else are these blogs for otherwise (and also to satisfy the urge for displaying our very own life, too - a little bit) what do you think? by the way it took me a while to work out where you are and where you are from, so now i think i know that you are in korea (south i guess) but are returning somewhere - home, but no idea where that is for you. confusing life, but fun, i guess...