Wednesday, April 12, 2006

nagtatampisaw sa koryo de hakkyo

so for the 6 months that i'm here in seoul, i'll be studying korean language at the korea university in anam, in the northern part of seoul. it's considered the top private university in korea after seoul national university, much like the jesuit-run ateneo is the 2nd best university after UP naming mahal. i know my ateneo friends will hate me for saying that but the fact that they have to go study in UP for their graduate degrees says something. anyway... this is me at my new school.
photo taken by asma, one cold spring day in april. it opened in 1905 and used to be called boseon academy or something to that effect. now it's trying to be a global university so its institute of foreign language studies is getting a lot of PR. we took a walk around the campus a few days ago and we wandered into the LG-something building. it was unnervingly hi-tech, i almost cried for our poor little 3rd world UP. we were like, "this is a school?" it looked more like a space station. the building is considered one of the top ten learning facilities in the world. i wanted to take pictures but i didn't want to look like a tourist in me own school. ha. anyway, here, it looks kinda hogwartsy. except we learn hangeul instead of spells.

i realized quite recently that siege takes the best pictures of me. am still not sure how he does it but i look much much better in these recent photos, dontchathink? he just lets me squint at the sun and fiddle with my scarf and somehow he makes it all look good.

this is me cursing under my breath about the cold weather but the amazing siege managed to catch the "pu..." in punyeta and made it look cute. dirty little secret: i didn't bathe the morning this photo was taken. it was a saturday and we had just finished eating a really gross breakfast at some cafeteria. i had ordered some soymilk drink that tasted like the bottom of your fridge's vegetable tray after random greens had melded into a green gunky ooze at the bottom. i couldn't believe people here pay good money to drink something that tastes like liquid vegetable garbage. isn't soymilk supposed to taste like fresh yummy taho?

just to give you a slightly different perspective. lovely arc shapes in the foreground, hey? if you look really closely, that's me grimacing at the memory of what's digesting in my tummy.

once more: me at koryo de hakkyo. taken after a misty spring rain by asma.

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