Tuesday, April 11, 2006

hello cafe!

it's the actual name of the cafe we went to wednesday last week, 05 april, right after we attended a welcome party of sorts for international students, thrown by ISF and IVF, two student christian organizations. we saw people eating pizza with their chopsticks, and witnessed young korean citizens participating in what we like to call the culture of cute. more on that some other time.

this is the green tea latte i ordered at hello cafe. it was too milky, couldn't taste any tea at all. more like green milk than anything. that red thing called Juicy Chew is a jello of sorts. drinks fiasco aside, hello cafe is a lovely place. family-run like many of the businesses in the small streets surrounding korea university. the decor is mainly a bright green. like martha stewart indulging a green tea fixation.

me, asma and siege. photo taken by me. aren't we just adorable? note also the green walls and whatnot behind us.

more metaphotography. more milky tea lattes. more enforced cuteness.

free sushi (kimbap in hangeul) from the nice christian students. try to ignore the above buffoonery from siege. it seems congenital with him.

me and my cute new LG flip phone. note the lime green color matches the walls and contrasts nicely with my red sweater (bought on sale at dongdaemun-gu market). we got our phones cheap but could've been cheaper. the people at the phone store were racist b*stards. excuse the language, please. it still makes me mad.

this is siege channeling james dean and marlon brando and that guy from F4. i've been telling him to smile with less of his gumline showing. this looks much better, hey? compare this photo with the ACPI filipiniana photo we have together and you'll see what i mean.