Saturday, April 08, 2006

buryong, sumpong & other moods

this is one of those days. i've been locked up in my room all day, uploading photos. i did go out to the university for a cheap lunch with siege & eugene the russian guy. but the food was kinda horrible. and i tried to play it safe by getting omuraisu (omelette rice). but it was stodgy & the slaw nasty. got a soymilk and that too tasted horrible. it tasted not like fresh yummy taho, but like some vegetable matter sitting in the sun for a couple of weeks. the only thing to do on these days is take pictures of yourself and post them on a blog so that other people with more boring/interesting lives can look at you and say, "wow, she has a really nice jawline!"


janet said...

nice slippers. :) [been trawling the Net for friends' blogs; just created one yesterday when I should've been finishing a story for Chari--long story there, but nothing interesting. *you* are more interesting! :D]

sairo said...

janet! :) i miss you! are you on ym?

janet said...

hey. yup, on ym. janetbvilla. spotty in signing up though. but will open my ym while i work just in case you feel like going berserk my way. :) is there a time diff seoul & manila?

naku, please don't miss me, don't mind me. just go ahead, plunge in new adventures there. that's what you're there for--to suck that marrow out of whateffer. :)